Why Objective-C is doomed

June 25, 2014 - objective-c swift

My recent LinkedIn article ended with the conclusion:

One thing that is clear to observers - Objective-C’s days are numbered. Apple management are not shy about killing off technologies that no longer suit them, and once they feel maintaining Objective-C is preventing further improvement, it will be given an official end of life. This won’t happen overnight, but it will happen, and Objective-C developers should ignore the warning signs at their own peril.

This resulted in an animated comment discussion - many developers who are professionally (and emotionally) tied to Objective-C would be understandably resistant to the concept of its eventual demise. However, I still feel the writing is on the wall for Objective-C. I think this particular aspect deserves a bit more treatment, so I’m presenting the reasoning behind this viewpoint here.

Swift is transitional, not complementary

Apple have done a fantastic job making Swift and Objective-C code interoperate cleanly, and this leads some to believe that the two languages can coexist indefinitely. I get the feeling they regard Swift in the same vein as CoffeeScript - an alternative syntax to exactly the same code, delivering some convenience and terseness to the source without fundamentally changing the underlying programming model.

However, this isn’t an accurate comparison. Evan Swick posted a detailed look at Swift internals - if I can ineptly summarise, Swift, like Objective-C, is implemented on top of the objc runtime, but differs in key areas like method dispatch. It’s more of a peer to Objective-C rather than just a ‘client language’ compiling down to the same executable.

At a higher level, Swift departs from Objective-C in other aspects. Type-safety and the monadic option type will result in much more reliable apps, the various functional programming aspects will enable us to design software in different ways, and the (intentionally) less capable error handling and reflection features will force us to do so.

For application development, Swift will be a better tool for the job by almost any measure. I can’t envision a situation where, on an ongoing basis (and purely on language merit), Objective-C will be used for some parts of a new application, and Swift will be used for others. Swift is interoperable with Objective-C only so that we (and Apple) can leverage our existing code and slowly transition to the new world, not so that we have additional language choices for development.

Swift code will outgrow Objective-C

Swift programs inherit the standard Cocoa design patterns by virtue of using the Cocoa frameworks, but there are places the Swift programming model is likely to go where Objective-C can’t follow. Some of the issues are apparent already:

The other areas Swift will diverge is through the new language features. Generics, ADTs, top-level and curried functions will allow new styles of API, but none of these are available from Objective-C. We’ll initially see third party frameworks adopt a ‘Swift-first’ or ‘Swift-only’ API approach, but I expect there’ll be increasing pressure from developers for Apple to follow suit. Note this isn’t necessarily a rational process – see Erica Sudun’s recent anecdote on ‘Cocoaphobia’.

As an aside, I’ve been trying to think of similar scenarios examples where a platform vendor has replaced their core applications language. The plethora of alternative JVM languages are all community-driven. Microsoft successfully replaced VB6 with .NET, although this involved also rewriting the application frameworks, and of course Win32 and MFC refuse to die. F# was born within Microsoft (Research), but they never really pushed this as mainstream C# replacement – instead they've rolled F#-inspired enhancements into the C# language, and spun off F# as a community project.

Ultimately, Apple will not be able to continue advancing the platform & the tools while maintaining backward compatibility with Objective-C. We’ll start to see new frameworks released as ‘Swift-only’, and eventually I’d expect to see Foundation and AppKit/UIKit replaced with Swift equivalents.

Objective-C is not indispensable

It’s true that Swift isn’t capable of seamlessly interleaving C & assembly like Objective-C can, but this isn’t a deal-breaker for an application programming language - most other languages in this category (Ruby, C#, Java, Python, etc) can’t do this either.

The argument I’ve seen posed is that because of the C-level compatibility, Apple will always need Objective-C around to perform lower-level tasks (e.g. build the frameworks and tools), therefore they’ll continue making it available for third party devs to use.

There are a few problems with this:

The main reason why Objective-C is used to build the application frameworks is because it’s the language used for building applications. Once we transition to using Swift for applications, it will exist there only for legacy reasons.

The end is at handDoomed! Doomed I say!

I’ll finish with a quote from Bill Gates, of all people:

“We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.”

Anyone today claiming iOS & OS X developers “don’t need to learn Objective-C” is jumping the gun – it’s going to be difficult to be a good developer without knowing the language the bulk of the code is written in. I expect Objective-C will still be around for most, if not all, of that 10 years.

However, anyone assuming that Objective-C will stick around forever is ignoring the warning signs. Swift and the Mac & iOS platforms will outlast Objective-C, hopefully by a significant margin.